Who Are You Following? Video Study: Pursuing Jesus in a Social Media Obsessed World For Discount

Following Jesus reminds us of our real identity.
Social media is a great place to keep up with family, friends and your favorite influencers online, but if we’re not careful, we can get caught trying to become who we’re following on social media, rather than following Jesus and becoming more like him. We can start trusting voices of people we’ve never met over the One voice who knows and loves us most.
In this five-session experience (guide sold separately), Sadie challenges us to consider who we’re following and how we are influenced. What would it look like if we were led by God’s love instead of by strangers likes? Join Sadie Robertson Huff as she answers the tough questions and reminds us of whose glory we’re really living for. Together, we will learn how to face our mistakes with divine perspective and discover where our true fulfillment is found in Jesus.
This video study is perfect for young Christians wondering how they can live a vibrant, bold, and uncompromising life of faith in God by following the Messiah—the ultimate influencer. Discover the love, purpose, and fulfillment that is found only in Jesus.
Designed for use with Who Are You Following? Study Guide (sold separately).
Additional Information
Format | DVD, Streaming Video |